Brad Bird (directed Ratatouille, The Incredibles at Pixar)

This is where directing is a lot like skiing, "I like to go fast," Brad says, before launching into a story about a trip he took to Vail when, "in the course of a week, I cracked the lens of my goggles four times.  Four times I had to go to the ski store and say, 'I need a new piece of plastic,' because I had shattered it crashing into something.  And at some point, I realized that I was crashing because I was trying so hard not to crash.  So I relaxed and told myself, 'It's going to be scary when I make the turns really fast, but I'm going to push that mountain away and enjoy it.'  When I adopted this positive attitude, I stopped crashing.  In some ways, it's probably like an Olympic athlete who's spent years training for one moment when they can't make a mistake.  If they start thinking too much about that, they'll be unable to do what they know how to do."

I love this metaphor a lot which we can apply to life as well as investing. When I start invest during 2010, whenever my counter moved up or down 20%+, I start thinking should I take my profit and have a good sleep or should I stick to it whenever the business still sound. But 10 out of 10, I made the same mistake that I take the profit then saw the counter soar to a new high or the counter turnaround.

I have a metaphor that limit my investing, I not play to win big but not to lose. This is nothing wrong if you just want to earn some extra money to have a little better life, but with this limited metaphor, you will never reach ultimate goal to use investing as passive income for retire early.
We should always focus the long term results, if the business is still progress well, the share drop 20% or up 20% is just a illuision. It is easier said than to commit to the metaphor, it take years of hard work for me to really believe in this.
