Less is More - 越不繁,越不凡。

I come across this in one of the blog and instantly love this quote. Less is more, it apply to investment as well as life. Investor are greedy and want to own every stock that going up and blind by the risk associate with it. The more stocks a investor own, the less time he can focus.

Especially in this current volatile market, if the stock going down 20% within 2 weeks, if he/she don't have enough attention on it, he might sell it follow the market crowd. Prince Frog is down from all time high 6.36 to 5 within one month, is the business nature change? no prove on this. Is the products have issue, no, it getting better and now penetrating first tier city. Then why? one of the reason is, a blogger broadcast a letter blaming the sales is fault base his own analysis without complete data. Will I still hold this stock, let see in next quarter result than I will decide.
